Driven to Kill

by Kimberley Roberts

A heartbreaking poem about the tragic consequences of bullying

This story I'll tell you
Will make you feel sad
It'll make you feel angry
It'll make you feel mad

For this is a story
About trouble and pain
That ends with a loss
There was nothing to gain!

It started that day
When they followed me home
They pushed and they kicked
Wouldn't leave me alone

Then each day that followed
It became worse and worse
I don't know why they did it
Perhaps I was cursed?

So one night all alone
I took to my room
And I thought to myself
“It'll be over soon”

With no fear in my heart
And nought but a knife
I slashed my own wrists
I took my own life

As the blood dripped away
And my heart stood still
Those kids were to blame
They drove me to kill

They're lucky, you see
'Cos now they got away
And my family lives
With this pain every day

'Cos I am not there
They all weep and they cry
For no one could save me
They all watched me die

So when you see a kid
Who's not pretty or smart
Don't taunt them or beat them
Please, have a heart

'Cos one day that kid
That you kicked in the head
May be found by her parents too
In her room,

Driven to Kill by K Roberts
©Jan Andersen 2009 - 2022

All rights reserved

Image ©Jan Andersen 2013, Norway
Chasing Death: 
Losing a Child to Suicide

ISBN: 978-1-905399-44-4
Publisher: Perfect Publishers Ltd
Pages: 488

ISBN 978-1-905399-45-1 (E-book) £4.44

£3 from the sale of every hard copy of the book is being donated to CALM, (Campaign Against Living Miserably), an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide.